You don't have to choose your own investments or asset allocation. Our investment professionals do the work for you. Get started today!

We're happy to help you open your InvestOn account and answer questions.

What you’ll need to get started

At least $1,000 available to invest today.

You are able to fund the account from almost any financial institution in the United States.

Personal information for each account owner including:

  • Name
  • Physical address (no P.O. boxes)
  • Social security number
  • Birthdate

A valid state or federal ID including:

  • Driver's license number
  • Passport
  • Military card
  • Green card
  • Visa number

Investment Products: Not FDIC Insured | No Bank Guarantee | May Lose Value

Please read the BOK Financial Advisors InvestOn Wrap Fee Program Brochure (i.e. Form ADV Part 2A, Appendix 1) for important information including fees and other details of the investment advisory program.

Your recommended asset allocation model will be based solely on the information you provide to us for this specific InvestOn account. If opening a joint account, the information provided should reflect the views and circumstances of all account owners.

Asset allocation, diversification, and rebalancing do not ensure a profit or protect against loss in declining markets. Investing involves risks, including possible loss of principal, and there is no guarantee that investment objectives will be achieved.

BOK Financial Advisors does not provide legal, tax, or accounting advice. Please consult your legal and/or tax professional before making any financial decisions.

Securities and advisory services offered through BOK Financial Securities, Inc., a dually registered investment advisor and broker/dealer, member FINRA/SIPC, and a subsidiary of BOK Financial Corporation. Services may be offered under our trade name, BOK Financial Advisors. Portfolio management services are provided by BOKF, NA, a bank affiliate of BOK Financial Securities, Inc. and also a subsidiary of BOK Financial Corporation.

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Frequently asked questions

What is InvestOn?

InvestOn is a model-based asset allocation program that systematically rebalances client accounts to maintain target asset allocations and remove the emotion from investing. Your recommended asset allocation model will be based on the information you have provided us, including, but not limited, to your account risk tolerance and account time horizon.

Who is in charge of managing my portfolio?

The investment selection aspect of InvestOn is professionally managed by BOKF, NA’s Strategic Investment Advisors (“SIA”) group. SIA provides the research and analytics that build the foundation for investment services within BOK Financial†. Asset allocation research, manager selection and oversight, and market analysis conducted by the group is utilized to deliver sophisticated investment solutions for clients of BOKFA and our affiliates. SIA establishes, monitors, and updates target asset allocation models as deemed necessary.

†BOK Financial® is a trademark of BOKF, NA. Member FDIC. You may know them as BOK Financial, Bank of Oklahoma, Bank of Texas, or Bank of Albuquerque, depending on where you live.

What is the minimum investment amount needed to open an account?

The minimum to open an account is $1,000*. No minimum monthly deposit is required.

What type of accounts can I open through InvestOn?

We offer four types of InvestOn accounts: individual, joint, traditional IRA, and Roth IRA.

Individual or joint taxable accounts: Any interest or dividends you earn in a taxable account are subject to taxes in the year you receive them. Additionally, you may also be subject to taxes if you realize capital gains when you sell an investment. Unlike an IRA (Individual Retirement Account), there are no limits to how much can be contributed to a taxable account and no restrictions on when an individual can withdraw money.

Traditional IRA: A traditional IRA (Individual Retirement Account) is a tax-deferred retirement savings account. You pay taxes on your money only when you make withdrawals in retirement. That means all of your dividends, interest payments and capital gains can compound each year without being decreased by taxes, which may help your IRA to grow faster than a taxable account. This can be an attractive option for people who expect their tax bracket in retirement to be lower than their current tax bracket.

Roth IRA: A Roth IRA is a tax-advantaged individual retirement account. Your contributions are made after tax, which means there’s no initial tax benefit. But that money and your investment earnings grow tax-free, meaning there’s no income tax on Roth IRA withdrawals in retirement. This can be an attractive option for people who expect their retirement tax bracket to be equal to or higher than their current tax bracket.

How may I move my money into/out of my InvestOn account?

Through the online access platform made available by our banking affiliate, BOK Financial†, you are able to log in and deposit money into your InvestOn account from a linked banking account, or a financial advisor can assist you. If you’d like to withdraw funds from your InvestOn account, a financial advisor can assist you.

†BOK Financial® is a trademark of BOKF, NA. Member FDIC. You may know them as BOK Financial, Bank of Oklahoma, Bank of Texas, or Bank of Albuquerque, depending on where you live.

What investments are offered?

The initial universe for investments is the Morningstar mutual funds and exchange traded funds database, with the universe limited to include those fund families that currently have a selling agreement with BOKFS (BOK Financial Securities) or an established business relationship with BOKFA. We may pursue selling agreements with fund companies that meet our criteria but for which we do not yet have a business relationship.

Our screening process checks such quantitative areas as the fund’s history, manager tenure, amount of assets under management, ranking compared to other funds in their peer category, and the performance of the fund as compared to others in their peer category. Qualitative areas we may review include the investment philosophy of the fund and any legal or compliance issues they may have had in the past.

What are the fees, sales charges, etc., associated with my InvestOn account?

• Annual fee of 0.70% charged monthly (sometimes referred to as 70 basis points).
• For IRAs only: Annual IRA maintenance fee of $55.
• For further information on fees and compensation including costs associated with owning mutual funds, please reference the BOK Financial Advisors InvestOn Wrap Fee Program Brochure.

Have additional questions? Contact us.

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